Works in collections, prepared by Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak

Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Silesian Museum in Katowice
Museum of History of Photography in Kraków
Gosudarstvennyj Muzej Izobrazitiel’nych Iskusstv im.A.S. Puskina, Moscow
Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Museum of Modern Art, Kioto, Japan
Ethnographic Museum in Kraków
National Museum in Wrocław
Museum of Arts in Łódz
National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, Bradford, England
Slovenske Narodne Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, France
Centre Regional de la Photographie, Douchy les Mines, France
Circoscrizione i Comune di Siena, Italy
International Center of Photography, New York, USA
Collection of Eva Pape, New York, USA
PHOTO-CINEMA Collection, Paris, France
PHOTO-CINEMA Collection, Montreal, Canada
Fundacja im. Zofii Rydet